Timo Jacobs

The actor Timo Jacobs was born in Itzeohe near Hamburg close to the north sea. His career began in 2003, when cult filmmaker Klaus Lemke discovered him for film.

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Andreas Avgousti

Andreas Avgousti fell in love with movies from an early age and has a passion for the horror and drama genre. With an extensive background in art, Andreas also recently completed a Masters degree in Film Directing.

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Lauren Z Ray

Director Lauren Z. Ray grew up in a small town called Logansport, Indiana. She enjoyed making videos as a kid with their family videocamera and roping all her friends to be in them.

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Emese Liliom

Emese Liliom started her career as a film trick animator in Varga Animation Studio in the late 90’s. Then headed towards the advertising industry, and worked as a Traffic Manager for International Advertising Agencies such as Leo Burnett and Ogilvy.

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