Winner of Grand Prix: Short Film
Affricate (Anna Gyimesi, HU)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Short Film
Forbidden (Charlotte Vacková, CZ)
Straight on 'til Morning (Paul Parent, Shinthu Sivakumar, FR)
Everything for My Friend (Lulu Pomorova, PL)

Winner of Grand Prix: Short Documentary
The Rescue: Every Life Matters (Lukáš Vincour, Petr Beneš, CZ)

Honorable Mention Grand Prix: Short Documentary
In the Tracks of My Grandmother's Father... (Staffan Jonsson, Henrik Norman)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Short Documentary
Old Summer (Maria Wider, Poland)
Christmas of our ancestors (Denis Németh, Mário Németh, SK)

Winner of Best Director Short Film
Untold Pieces (Alexandr Borecký, Jan Sedlacek, CZ)

Nominees for Director Short Film
M jako Máma (Nina Bhatt, CZ)
Funeralia (Bartłomiej Maria Błaszczyński, POL)
Rimbaud's Left Hand (Andrew Horne, CZ)
The One Note Man (George C. Siougas, UK)
Angelman (Sacha Picard, FR)

Winner of Best First Time Director
Three months with Kira (Meiirbek Nariman, CZ)

Nominees for Best First Time Director
Stoneface (Otto Dušek, CZ)

Winner of Best Young Director (under 30 yrs)
Jako pěna (Tomas Krutina, CZ)

Winner of Female Director
Your move, my lady (Tereza Hirsch, CZ)

Winner of Director Indie Short Film
Project Head (Pavol Verčimák, SK)

Winner of Grand Prix: Best Feature Film
Pray For Peace, Train For War (Agnieszka Elbanowska, PL)

Winner of Grand Prix: Best Feature Documentary
One Day on Haiti (Vít Kanyza, CZ)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Best Feature Documentary
Black Sugar Red Blood (Luigi Toscano, DE)

Winner of Best Director Feature Film
Pray For Peace, Train For War (Agnieszka Elbanowska, PL)

Winner of Grand Prix: Best Super Short Film
The little romance of Will-o'-the-Wisp and Raindrop (Baptiste Denuit, Johan Denis, BE)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Best Super Short Film
Lucy's Dream (Jared Yeh, CZ)
The Work Method (Denisa Nováková, CZ)

Winner of Director Super Short Film
The little romance of Will-o'-the-Wisp and Raindrop (Baptiste Denuit, Johan Denis, BE)

Nominees for Director Super Short Film
Reflection (Sanna de Vries, NL)

Winner of Grand Prix: Student Film
Goddess - Path of Destiny (Dominika Prášková, CZ)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Student Film
Karel Schinzel: The man who colored the world (Markéta Plevová, CZ)
Herstory (Tomasz Stuleblak, PL)
Goddess - Path of Destiny (Dominika Prášková, CZ)
Karel Schinzel: The man who colored the world (Markéta Plevová, CZ)

Nominees for Director Student Film
Goddess - Path of Destiny (Dominika Prášková, CZ)
Karel Schinzel: The man who colored the world (Markéta Plevová, CZ)

Winner of Grand Prix: Music Video
LITTLE BIG - It Happens (Alina Pasok, Iliya Prusikin, USA)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Music Video
Goodwill (Sasha Needmor, CZ)
Freakshow (Chris Villain, USA)

Winner of Director Music Video
Don't Wanna Love You (Diego Ante, RO)

Nominees for Director Music Video
Maubak - By my Side (Sophia Leonie Beeck, DE)
KØLEEN - Where Are You? | Acoustic (Vesely Marek, AT)
LIFETIME (Joiah Luminosa, NL)

Winner of Best Poster
The Little Girl Eater (Tizian Herzberger, Germany)

Winner of Best Animation
Wild Eye Pub (Filip Nerold, CZ)

Nominees for Best Animation
Impurrfection (Chiang Yao, TW)
A guerra finita (Simone Massi, IT)

Winner of Director Animation
A guerra finita (Simone Massi, IT)

Winner of Animation for Kids
Impurrfection (Chiang Yao, TW)

Winner of Experimental Short
Flower Factory (Marek Tomajka, SK)

Nominees for Director Experimental Short
Project Head (Pavol Vercimak, SK)

Winner of Best Czech Short Film
Rites (Damián Vondrášek, CZ)

Nominee For Best Czech Film
Your move, my lady (Tereza Hirsch, CZ)

Winner of Best Drama Short Film
Forbidden (Charlotte Vacková, CZ)

Nominees for Best Drama Short Film
The death of Lazarus (Olivier Chantreau, FR)
The Fence (Tomasz Wolski, PL)
Sea Salt (Leila Basma, LEBN)

Winner of Director Drama Short Film
Affricate (Anna Gyimesi, HU)

Nominees for Director Drama Short Film
The Fence (Tomasz Wolski, PL)

Winner of Best Comedy Short Film
The Real Truth about the Fight (Andrea Slaviček, HR)

Winner of Director Best Comedy Short Film
Zlatá hodinka (Golden Hour) (Klára Drbohlavová, CZ)

Nominees for Director Best Comedy Short Film
The Evening Drill (Paweł Mozolewski, Poland)

Winner of Best Sci-Fi Short Film
12th of april (Antonellino Deiddino, IT)

Nominees for Best Sci-Fi Short Film
Zorpas Time Manipulator (Andrew Horne, CZ)

Nominees for Director Thriller Short Film
LURKER (Sebastian Sørensen, DK)

Winner of Best LGBTQ Short Film
Sucker's Death (Krzysztof Grudziński, PL)

Winner of Best Inspirational Short Film
15 Years (Katie Mayhew, UK)

Winner of Best Action Short Film
It could be Worse (Lukáš Šimandl, CZ)

Winner of Best Editor Short Film
...action! (Annalisa Urban, DE)

Winner of Best Cinematography
Rites (Damián Vondrášek, CZ)

Winner of Best Actor Short Film
Your Move, My Lady (Jaromír Nosek, CZ)

Nominees for Best Actor Short Film
Untold Pieces (Alexandr Borecký, CZ)

Winner of Best Actress Short Film
...action! (Lara Kimpel, DE)

Winner of Grand Prix: Feature Script
Operation Sacred Cows (Luca Giaggiolo, IT)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Feature Script
The Weather Girl's Assassin (Sam Cromartie, USA)
Don't Eat Paper (Julius John Galacki, USA)

Winner of Grand Prix: Pilot TV
Baltimore (Tony Bryan, UK)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Pilot TV
Aris (V.P. Evans, USA)
Two Harbors Pilot (Brian Lange Stemmler, USA)

Winner of Grand Prix: Short Script
A Lonely Dreamer (Jana Dolezalova Montorio, CZ)

Nominees for Grand Prix: Short Script
Angel (Jeff Kimball, USA)
Wall Drug (Ben Matthews, USA)
Squeak (Maureen Aitken, Barbara Lhota, USA)
Playing God's Game (Teodora Pancheva, UK)

Winner of Drama Screenplay (Feature)
A Boy Called Freddie (Sophie Neville, USA)

Winner of Comedy Screenplay (Feature)
SINGLE GIRL'S GUIDE TO NARCISSISTS (Diane Thomassin, Michael Miceli, USA)

Winner of Horror Screenplay (Feature)
S-21 (Kylee Q Robinson, USA)

Winner of Sci-Fi Screenplay (Feature)
Final Timefall (Ivan Miodrag Cvetkovic, RS)

Nominees for Sci-Fi Screenplay (Feature)
Deadly Shadows (Toneata Leona Martocchio, USA)